By Price
Percent of Total Product Price
This option allows you to set an amount to charge based on a percentage of the total product price.
In the above example:
Total product price is $100, ship cost is $10
Total product price is $150, ship cost is $15
Total product price is $1, ship cost is $5 ( because of the Minimum Price )
Total product price is $2,000, ship cost is $100 ( because of the Maximum Price )
The Minimum Price / Maximum Price fields refer to the minimum and maximum ship cost.
Table Based
Switch to the table based option to create a price table.
In the above example:
When the total product price is $0 - $49.99, ship cost is $4
When the total product price is $50 - $199.99, ship cost is $9
When the total product price is $200 or more, ship cost is $0 ( free )