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Blended Rates

Rates that show when there are multiple product groups in an order.

ASR avatar
Written by ASR
Updated over 5 years ago

What is a Blended Rate?

Blended rates are the rates that show when there are multiple product groups from the app in an order.

  • When there is a single product group in an order, the app will show whatever rates have been set-up for that product group. Blended rates do not show. 

  • When there are multiple product groups in an order, the app will show one or more Blended rate. 

  • By Default, a blended rate will add together the lowest cost shipping rate from each product group in an order together, and offer it a single rate 'Standard Shipping'. 

  • You can edit a Blended Rate's title. 

  • You can set a preferred rate for each product group to be used to form the basis of the blended rate. 

  • You can add Rules to blended rates to change the default behavoir of adding up al the rates together. ( ie, when Group A is present, make Group B ship free ( or add $0 instead of the group's ship cost ) )

Blended Rates explained with Simple Example

We have two Product Groups

  • Default

  • Ice Cream

Within the Default Group, there is a $10 rate for Ground Shipping

Within the Ice Cream Group, there is a $50 rate for Overnight Shipping

When there are only products from the Default Group in an order, the $10 Ground rate shows. 

When there are only products from the Ice Cream Group in an order, the $50 Overnight rate shows. 

When there are both Default products and Ice Cream products in an order, here is the rate that shows.

This rate 'Standard Shipping' is a Blended Rate, and its adding together the lowest cost rate from each product group together. 

  • $10 for Default + $50 for Ice Cream = $60

You can see this Blended Rate 'Standard Shipping' within the app, under the Blended Rates tab.

Edit the Blended Rate, and you will see this:

Let's edit the Blended Rate title to be more descriptive. 

  • Click Edit Rate Title

Now, when we bust the shipping cache, we will see the rate title update at checkout.

Add Rule to a Blended Rate

Let's say in the above example, we want to make it so when there are both Default product and Ice Cream products in an order, just the rate for Ice Cream is used, instead of adding together the rates. 

We can add a rule to modify the Blended Rate calculation. 

  • Edit the Blended Rate

  • Scroll down and click Add Rule

Then choose the 3rd option Free Shipping When Product Group Is Present, and click Next

From the first dropdown, select the Ice Cream product group, and in the checkbox list check 'My Products - Default'.

This rule reads: When there are Ice Cream products, don't add the shipping charge for the Default products when calculating the Blended Rate. 

Here is what is looks like after the rule is saved. 

Here is the outcome at checkout of this Rule being applied to the blended rate ( and after we've busted the shipping cache )

  • Instead of: $10 + $50 = $60

  • It is:  $0 + $50 = $50

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