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Delivery Dates

Activate delivery dates on a rate to show estimated delivery dates at checkout.

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Written by ASR
Updated over 2 years ago

When delivery dates are active for a rate, you can use the {{ delivery_date }} template tag in the Rate Title and Rate Subtitle fields to show the estimated delivery date at checkout.

How to add delivery dates to a rate

1. Activate delivery dates

- Activate delivery dates on the "edit rate" page of each rate that you want to show estimated delivery dates at checkout.

2. Set up schedules

- For carrier rates, set up a processing schedule.

- For rule-based rates, set up a processing schedule and delivery schedule.

3. Use the {{ delivery_date }} template tag

- After setting up the schedule(s), you can use the newly activated {{ delivery_date }} template tag in the Rate Title and Rate Subtitle fields.

How delivery dates are calculated

First, a ship date is calculated using the selected Processing Schedule.


- For carrier rates, the ship date is sent to the carrier and the carrier calculates an estimated delivery date.

- For rule-based rates, the ship date is sent to the Delivery Schedule, which calculates and returns an estimated delivery date.

Processing Schedule

The processing schedule determines the ship date, by calculating the number of days it takes to process an order after it's placed.

It's used for both carrier rates and rule-based rates.


Edit a processing schedule's label so you can identify it when using the same schedule across shipping rates.


For each day that you process orders, define a cutoff time.

When an order is placed before the cutoff time on a given day, that counts as the first processing day.

When an order is placed after the cutoff time, the next available processing day counts as the first processing day.

If you do not process orders on a given day, leave the cutoff time blank.


Set the number of days it takes to process an order before it's ready to be handed off to a carrier.

When you set a processing time range, 2 ship dates will be calculated which will result in there being a range of estimated delivery dates (i.e. Estimated delivery from Mon, Jan 2nd - Wed, Jan 4th)

Delivery Schedule

The delivery schedule determines the delivery date, by calculating the number of days after the ship date that a package is expected to be in transit.

It's only used for rule-based rates since carrier rates' delivery dates are provided by the carrier.


Edit a delivery schedule's label so you can identify it when using the same schedule across shipping rates.


Set the days of the week that will be counted as transit days. Transit days determine which days are "business days" for shipping.

For example, if a package has an estimated transit time of 1-3 business days, and Saturday and Sunday don't count towards those business days, they should not be selected:


Set the number of days that a package is expected to be in transit after the ship date.

When you set a transit time range, 2 ship dates will be calculated which will result in there being a range of estimated delivery dates (i.e. Estimated delivery from Mon, Jan 2nd - Wed, Jan 4th)

Blended Rates

You can use the {{ delivery_date }} template tag in the rate title and subtitle fields for blended rates.

Delivery dates must be active and available for each of the rates being blended. If they are not, the {{ delivery_date }} template tag will not be converted to a date.

The {{ delivery_date }} for blended rates will translate to a range of dates, from the earliest date to the latest date of all of the estimated dates from the rates that are being blended.

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