If you see the warning message "Retail rates are being returned for this account number":
You may continue to use the credentials, but be aware that retail rates will be used.
Your UPS account number may not have negotiated rates enabled. Contact your UPS account representative to confirm that you have negotiated rates enabled for API access.
Your UPS username may not have appropriate access to the UPS account number that you entered. Make sure that the UPS user and account number are connected by following these steps:
- Log into UPS.com with the same account that you used to authorize Advanced Shipping Rules.
- Go to the "Accounts and Payment" menu by clicking on the user menu on the top right of the page.
- Make sure the account number is listed on this page.
- Make sure your payment method is set up for the account.
If you're still getting the warning and you expect discounted rates instead of retail rates, contact us at info@advancedshippingrules.com or contact your UPS account representative.