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Rules Overview
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Written by ASR
Updated over a week ago

Rules can be added to any rate within the app to hide, show, or adjust the ship cost of the rate. You can also add conditions to each rule, which let you control when to apply the rule or not based on a variety of product and address variables.

Rule Types

  • Set Rate to Free or Fixed Cost

  • Add to Ship Cost

  • Subtract from Ship Cost

  • Hide rate when....

  • Only show rate when... ( Functions like ‘Hide rate unless... )

Add or Subtract Values

These are the kind of values you can specify in Add/Subtract Rules

  • Flat Amount

  • Flat Amount Per Item

  • Flat Amount Per Package

  • Percent of Product Total

  • Percent of Ship Cost


These are the variables you can use within conditions

Product Variables

  • Quantity, Weight, Price, Title, SKU, Vendor, Product Properties Name, Product Properties Value, Product Group

Ship Cost Variable

  • Ship Cost

Address Variables

  • Name, Company Name, Address, Address 2, City, State/Province, Postal Code, Country, Phone

You can use comma separated values, they get evaluated as ‘OR’

When adding conditions to a rule, you can specify a comma separated list of variables

As long as any one product in an order contains 'apple' the rule will apply.

Comma separated values are evaluated as 'OR', so only one value has to match True for the condition to apply. 

Use multiple conditions, they get evaluated as 'AND' 

If you wanted to make the logic of this rule evaluate with 'AND', meaning, you want there to be all three present in an order 'apple' and 'peach' and 'orange'. Then you can create multiple conditions. 

Conditions are evaluated as AND. Which means all 3 conditions must evaluate as a true for the rule to be applied. 

In this example all three values 'apple', 'peach', 'orange' must be found within Product Titles in the order for the rule to apply. 

Use the 'starts with' comparison, to target multiple postal codes easily

This will target all postal codes starting with 11 or 12. ( All postal codes 11000 - 12999 )

  • 11000 - 11999 ( 11000,11001,11002,11003,11004, etc. )

  • 12000 - 12999 ( 12000,12001,12002, 12003,12004, etc. )

Rules are executed in the order they appear

So let’s say you have a rate that is a flat rate of $10.

If you have rules in this order:

  1. Add $5 to ship cost

  2. Set rate to free shipping over $100

And the total price is $150, the rate will be free.


If you have rules in this order:

  1. Set rate to free shipping over $100

  2. Add $5 to ship cost

And the total price is $150, the rate will be $5

You can drag and drop rules to set their sort order.

Click the little dots icon on the left side of the rule, hold down, and drag the rule up or down to set the order.

Be careful with ‘Only show rate when...’ rules and conditions

The rule 'Only show rate when...' functions like 'Hide rate unless...' so you cannot use multiple 'Only show rate when....' rules together effectively. 

The following rule will make it show the rate will never show, no matter what the postal code is. 

Let's say someone uses Postal Code 10000. Because conditions are evaluated as ANDs, here is how the rule plays out: 

First condition is TRUE
Second condition is FALSE

All conditions need to be true for the rule to be applied. Because, there is no postal code that can make both conditions TRUE, the rule will never apply.  

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