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Frequently Asked Questions

Why won't the app open?
Product Sync seems to be stuck, and I can't manage my product groups and product assignment, what should I do?
Why is a product sync showing when I try to manage products?
How do I obtain Negotiated Rates Credentials?
Do you have real-time rates from carriers like Royal Mail, AU Post, or other carriers not listed on the website or app page?
How do I stop rates showing for PO Boxes, or have a rate show only for PO Boxes?
I've gone live with the app, and my old rates are still showing, how do I get rid of them?
When I try to open the app the screen is blank, or it re-directs me to the apps page, basically I can't seem to open the app at all, how do I fix this?
I am switching my themes, do I need to update any liquid code in my new theme to keep the app working?
How do I cancel my subscription to the app?
Can I change the sort order in which rates appear at checkout?
Can I edit the text that appears at checkout when there are no rates?
What if I can't target products with Title, Vendor, or SKU?
Why aren't any rates showing up in my shipping calculator?
I switched to yearly/annual billing and it still says I need the Calculated Rate feature, why isn't it active?
Can I re-assign products to a different group instead of having to re-assign them one-by-one?
When creating product groups can I filter by tag or collection?
How do I re-assign products to a different group
How do I delete products from a group?
Can I add individual variants to a product group instead of the entire product?
I did a bulk product assignment but only 5 products were assigned, what am I doing wrong?
How can I tell what product group a product is in?
How do I delete a product group?
Why do I need the calculated rate feature on my Shop if I don't need to use carrier rates in the app?
Why aren't my rates based on the price after discount codes / line item discounts are applied?
Can I pause my subscription?
Be careful when assigning products from one fulfillment service's group to another fulfillment service group.
Why am I seeing retail rates with my UPS negotiated credentials saved?